[X-SESSION-IN-PERSON] - Sing It! - The Workshop!
Randall Ryan
Date & Time
Saturday, April 2, 2022, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

If you have not registered for the conference, CLICK HERE to register today. If you have already registered, please CLICK HERE to 'modify your registration' and add the session.


Emotional shifts, 3-dimensional characters, and dramatic reads are more important to video games (and other genres) than ever before. However, many projects are so secretive that actors don’t get an opportunity to study a role before needing to perform it. So the actors who can walk into a session and shift their reads quickly and accurately are going to be the ones who are cast over and over. Understanding how to harness the principles of music dramatically shortcuts that process. In this workshop, actors will learn about the 7 Principles of Music that I have identified: detailed definitions, what each of them does to a performance, and how they can be internalized into the actor’s toolbox to be used quickly, efficiently, and accurately. Then, the actors will be given scripts from which we will use those principles to elicit different emotional and dramatic tones from the same verbiage, so they can better understand what these principles do, and begin to internalize them by feeling and sensing the shifts in performance when they are applied. NOTE: There will be materials given out in session. I checked "no" below because they're not relevant to upload here.